
Some homes and businesses are not connected to the main sewer pipe lines that run across the UK. These homes and businesses are often older or in remote locations. The houses will instead be connected to a septic tank, cesspit or sewage treatment plant.

How does a septic tank work?

The pipes that run from your toilets will take the waste all the way to your septic tank. Within the septic tank the solids are broken down by a process which involves bacteria and then periodically the tank is emptied. Usually a soakaway is installed beyond the tank and it’ll take the purified excess water to an overflow pipe. From the overflow pipe it goes into the surrounding soil while the remainder of waste deposit will be the sludge.

At Daily Drains we can install and maintain your septic tank and insure it’s regular working capability.

  • Maintenance – Our engineers are experienced when it comes to maintaining the tanks and can make repairs and remove blockages if needed.
  • Installation – We have a process in which having a septic tank installed will be a seamless process. We will advising the size and location of the tank andone which is value for money.
  • CCTV surveys We can use our CCTV cameras to inspect inside the tank as well as the pipe run leading to it.

When installing a septic tank there are factors taken into consideration. Such as the capacity of the tank being compatible with the amount of people in the building. Also to keep the tank a safe distance from buildings and choose a good location followed by having a soakaway.

With Daily Drains our engineers can offer guidance for the installation of a septic tank or can follow your lead. When installing the tank we’ll do it to the highest standard. We offer complete transparency to our customers, informing them of each step, also the work will be guaranteed.

Daily Drains always holds the customers interests first. That’s why fixed costs are provided upfront with no nasty surprises, so please do get in touch.